Monday, November 1, 2010

Bean Town!

Whoa...time for an update. I have taken a leave of absence from the City of Brotherly Love and have relocated to Boston, MA (or as the locals say Baaahston) to freelance for a small marketing company, HaloEffect. Boston is not a foreign city to me, as I have been visiting this city since I was a little girl and it will always have a place in my heart.

Although I am not quite settled in yet, I have been taking advantage of all that New England has to offer. A great part of being in the North East is the states are in close proximity to one another. So far my weekends have been spent camping in Maine, hiking in Vermont, sailing in the Boston Harbor, apple picking in Massachusetts, and concert-going in Rhode Island.

In other news, I have been published in CMYK Magazine, Creative Quarterly and the Big Book of Packaging!